The amount of Conroe city property tax you save per million dollars of property valuation. Members of WMPID are exempt from annexation by Conroe.
Here, you can find statistics describing our population and its characteristics, such as age, gender, education, and more.
The labor force demographics include the size of households, age, means of transportation to work, and more. Even the number of people working from home is at your fingertips.
Consumer expenditures can be sorted by different categories, such as shelter, food, entertainment, and health care, among others.
Disclaimer: Demographic, Labor Force and Consumer Spending data forThe Westwood Magnolia Improvement District does not directly reflect the district boundaries. The data used for the community reports reflects the combined data from the census block groups the district is within. View the extent the data includes on this map which includes the census block groups included here.
The amount of Conroe city property tax you save per million dollars of property valuation. Members of WMPID are exempt from annexation by Conroe.
Sheriff’s Deputies and 5 patrol cars. The Improvement District employs additional police in patrolling our district. Our law enforcement efforts help our businesses to succeed.
WMPID charges zero property tax and provides infrastructure for the future of members’ business. Our revenue is a small portion of sales tax charged on local retail sales.
The District has grown to nearly 3000 acres of mostly commercial land that encompasses the region between Conroe, Magnolia and The Woodlands, serving infrastructure needs in the area, in partnership with Precinct 2.