Growth Along FM 1488 Stretches Toward Magnolia City Limits

6 Apr 2016


For several years, the intersection of FM 1488 and FM 2978 in Magnolia was little more than vacant land with roads leading to Conroe and The Woodlands.

In the past decade, several businesses and housing developments, such as the Westwood Village Shopping Center, Pinewood Plaza and The Estates Woodland, have quickly filled in previously empty
tracts of land. By the end of the year two additional major developments are slated to open along FM 1488—a new H-E-B grocery store and the Triumph Center, a muti-tenant retail space.

“I remember a few years ago looking at Lake Wincrest, the only thing that was out here was an A&W [restaurant],” said Deborah Rose Miller, J Properties Realtor and Magnolia resident. “There was just a gas station down at the corner of [FM] 2978 and [FM] 1488, and that was it.”

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