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Woodtrace Boulevard Expansion

Update 11/30/2023

WMPID has completed their $7.2 M section of the project from FM2978 to Dobbin-Huffsmith, including the intersection at Highland Blvd, environmental approval, bridge work and right-of-way clearing. Montgomery County Precinct 2 will be completing the final stages of the road starting at the western end of the roadway. The project was originally scoped to be constructed as a 2-lane asphalt road, but plans are now to expand the road to 4-lanes and construct with concrete paving.  New design plans have been approved allowing Precinct 2 to move forward. Woodtrace Blvd will ultimately connect with FM249, creating a much-needed west-east throughfare.

The Westwood Magnolia Parkway Improvement District (WMPID) is meeting the needs of the community once again with the Woodtrace Boulevard extension project. The area continues to grow with more and more developers and industries building, relocating, and expanding in WMPID. The remarkable growth within the District has been made possible by WMPID’s infrastructure projects.

The Woodtrace Boulevard extension will add another much-needed east/west thoroughfare for the county to alleviate the congestion caused by increased traffic on FM 1488. Traffic volume on FM 1488 is only expected to increase with the more than 5,000 new homes planned and/or under construction in the surrounding area. 

The Woodtrace Boulevard extension is a current exit from SH 249 and will give Woodlands and surrounding area residents a more direct route to the newly constructed toll road and “Aggie (and Baylor) Expressway.” It will also make travel into WMPID more convenient, and therefore attract even more shoppers and residents.

The project is being constructed in at least four segments. The first step is the clearing of the right-of-way. Segment two is the construction of the road from Dobbin-Huffsmith to the bridge clearing at Dry Creek, followed by road construction from FM 2978 to the bridge clearing for segment three. The fourth, and possibly fifth, segments will be the bridge design and construction. For a project this long and complicated, it is estimated to take approximately two years to complete.

In the future, two additional lanes will also be constructed in much the same way that Research Forest was extended to connect directly with FM 2978. The extension of Research Forest made it easier for people to access shopping attractions within the District, generating $1.494 billion in revenue, 38 percent of which is attributable to the increased access to businesses.

WMPID is funding the estimated 3-mile road construction project for $7.2 million — “Keeping Local Dollars Local!” The project is a joint partnership between WMPID, Montgomery County Precinct 2, and local developers to meet the growing needs of the community for thoroughfares to move residents, workers, and goods around efficiently.

This Woodtrace Boulevard extension is in line with WMPID’s mission to support infrastructure and public safety projects. As a partnership between local governments and the state, WMPID is focused exclusively on local projects that directly benefit the businesses and community members living, working, and shopping in the area. 

To explore the other ways WMPID is focused on safety and how you or your business would benefit from being located in this Texas community, visit their website here.

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