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Stormwater Management Cleanup Project Photo

Stormwater Management Cleanup Project

Westwood Magnolia Improvement District (WMPID) will embark on a $48,500 stormwater management cleanup project in the new year that will address clearing drainage channels and detention ponds. This project falls in line with WMPID’s commitment to improving infrastructure and public safety for the benefit of the businesses and community members living, working, and shopping in the area. 

The Importance of the Stormwater Management Cleanup Project

Effective stormwater management provides economic and environmental benefits to the District by reducing flood risks and decreasing costs due to flood damage. People and property are protected making for a thriving economic base and an elevated quality of life.

Scope of Work for the Stormwater Management Cleanup Project

Segment 1:  Three channel segments north of Research Forest Drive

Location topography dictates that all work to clear the three referenced segments north of Research Forest Drive will be done by hand. The drainage itself will be de-snagged and all culverts within will be cleared at the flow points. All garbage and stems will be removed, and any silt within will be hauled off. 

Segment 2:  Pond South of Research Forest Drive

The detention area immediately south of Research Forest Drive is very silted-in and the drainage channel within is not functioning. All box culverts have debris, sediment, and plant growth throughout that prevents proper flow and maintenance. 

This portion of the project will be able to be machine-assisted. The goal is to open up the drainage to a width of approximately 30 feet within the detention area with about three feet of depth to accommodate for flow. 

To re-establish drainage, the box culverts will need to be cleaned at flow points to remove the build-up that has settled. The entire area will be mowed to knock back existing vegetation. All removed vegetation and sediment will be graded on the sides and top bank of the detention area. It is anticipated that roughly 450 lineal feet of correction will need to be established to follow the historic footprint. 

Pond South of Research Forest Drive WMPID

Segment 3:  Channel Segment North of Egypt Lane

This remaining area directly north of Egypt Lane will be performed by hand over three days. Underbrush and all debris will be removed in the area. The egress point of the drainage into the small holding pond will be corrected so that flow can again be established at a positive rate.  

Channel Segment North of Egypt Lane WMPID

Segment 4:  Channel Segment North of FM 1488 

In this recently added portion of the project, the referenced segments north of FM 1488 will be hand-cleared. The drainage itself will be de-snagged and all garbage and stems removed will be hauled off.

Channel Segment North of FM 1488

Westwood Magnolia Parkway Improvement District

To explore the other ways WMPID is focused on safety and improvement, and how you or your business would benefit from locating in this Texas community, visit their website here.

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